We promise peace of mind.. peace of mind on quality, peace of mind on cost, peace of mind on convenience. At the Dental Standard you will see a fully qualified and Australian Dentist (that’s dentist with a DR in front of their name), not a hygienist or therapist You will know EXACTLY what your wisdom teeth removal will cost you (starting from $399 for one tooth). No added ‘x-ray’ charge this or ‘consult fee’ that. At The Dental Standard we fix teeth and look amazing doing it!
The Dental Standard its all about YOU and your peace of mind, cause guess what? Taking care of your mouth shouldn’t be a headache.

All our rooms have ceiling
mounted TV’s for you to
chill whilst we drill!
You book in to have your wisdom teeth removed, you see our amazing dentists, you pay our super affordable fixed price, and you get your wisdom teeth removed with no fuss! AND whatever else is needed to get that amazing treatment is included…

Need a consult?

Need x-rays?

Need to pay it off?

Fries with that?
Hell Yes!
Wisdom teeth are always late to the party, coming through much later than all other adult teeth (usually in your early 20’s), and often causing issues when they do. They can come through at an angle, pushing other teeth out of alignment, and can even become bacteria traps, potentially spreading decay throughout the mouth. Removing them is a common dental procedure that we can perform at the clinic, pain free and at a fixed price.
Single tooth
Some people develop all four wisdom teeth, some less. If there’s a problem with only a single wisdom tooth, we can determine whether it’s best to just remove it and leave the others (if you have them) alone.
All four teeth
Sometimes the best course of action is having all of your wisdom teeth removed in one go. We can help you determine if this is the right way to go under your circumstances.
Areas we service: Indooroopilly, Toowong, St Lucia, Taringa & Milton